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[오픽 독학 공부] 오픽노잼정리 IM시리즈 #005 _ 재미있는 TMI 답변 준비해보기






과거 경험에 대해 생각하는게 어렵나요?
완전 할리우드에 나올만한 이야기 하지 않아도 왜요.
완전 간단한 이야기여도 된다.

어떤 이야기를 할 때 똥 이야기, 방귀이야기를 한번 해봐라. 그럼 완저 ㄴ예상치 못한 이야기가 될거다.
어이없겠지만 저절로 웃음이 나오고 오픽 grader들이 엄청 웃고 새롭고 신선하다고 느낄 것이다..

단어와 표현들을 알려주겠다.

fart = 방구
door = 문

방귀 표현 4가지
1. let it rip / let one rip : 
rip : 찢다
자연ㅅ스럽게 방귀표현을 사용하면 굉장히 인상깊을 것이다. 
예시 ) I needed to let it rip 방귀 뀌어야 했어
I let it rip : 나 방귀 꼈어.
2. cut cheese
I was at Starbucks and all of a suddne I had to cut cheese.
스타벅스에 있었는데 갑자기 방귀가 나왔어
3. thunder from down under
I was at the bar with my friends the other day, and all of a sudden I felt a little thunder from down under.
최근에 친구와 바에 있었는데 갑자기 바우기가 뀌고 싶었어
4. silent but deadly
I cut cheese in the restaurnat, and I was hoping that no one would find out.
I mean, it was silent, but deadly.
식당에서 방귀꼈어. 아무도 모르길 바랐는데 조용했지만 냄새가 너무 났나봐.

응가 표현 4가지
1. number 1 (소변)
2. number 2 (대변)
3. take a dump
I felt like taking a dump during the meeting. Oh, the timing was terrible.
미팅시간에 너무 응가 마려웠어, 타이밍이 장난 아니었어,
4. deuce it
I had to deuce it. 나 응가 해야만 했어 

지금 배운 단어들로 대답해보자.

Q1 (RP13): That's the end of the situation.

- Have you ever gone on a beach trip that was affected by bad weather or some kind of unexpected problem?

- Tell me about the things that did not go as you had expected.

- Tell me everything that happened.




Problems at the beach....

Well. ok. let me tell you about a problem of me "letting it rip" in front of my wife at the beach.

And, it was one of the most embarrassing things I gad to go through, right?

And we were in Spain.. and we were just finding a nice spot at the beach.

and as I was bending over, to pick up something.

um, you know. something came out.

And my wife was laughing so hard.

And, you know the way she was laughing I was just so embarrassed.

Um, you know, and I started to laugh too of course.

But I couldn't believe that happened. you know?

Like it was so loud.

We were outside at the beach!

And yet, you know, it(the sound) was as clear as day.

And I could never forget that moment.

So basically, whenever we go, uh, to any beach.

My wife always reminds me of this story.




Q2 (RP13): That's the end of the situation.

- Now, tell me about a time when you had a problem while using a bike or any other type of transportation.

- What happened and how did you deal with the problem?



A) Alright, well, I have a very interesting story to tell you.

because basically the other day, I was riding my bike.

and I felt like I needed to take a dump.

But the problem was you know, there was no washroom nearby.

And so, I was riding my bike very slowly.

And.. kind of standing up

If you know what I mean

And it was just such an uncomfortable situation.

because.. oh my gosh.. you know. I was experiencing "turtlehead"

Oh my goodness.

It was an emergency situation!

Um.. but luckily. I was able to find Starbucks.

Oh, Thank goodness for Starbucks!

And, of course, you know, I had to just rush in.

and you know, unload my beast.

After that. I felt so relieved.

turtlehead : 응가가 나오기 직전의 상황

unleash my beast
unload my beast

오픽에서 어떤 이야기를 하는 게 어렵다면 한번 방귀나 응가 이야기를 생각해보세요.
응가이야기가 높은 점수를 받게 해줄 것이다.