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[오픽 독학 공부] 오픽노잼정리 1:1 가이드 #004 _ past experience 카테고리 질문 답에는 direct quotation을



direct quotation(직접화법) 사용해서 AL 받자





3가지 콤보세트가 있다. 이는 9개의 문제로 구성되어 있다.

콤보세트 종류로는 4가지 카테고리가 있다.

1. description

2. past experience

3. habit

4. comparison


simile을 사용하면서 description 질문에 대답하는 것도 좋다.





모든 질문에는 메인 포인트 필요하다.

연습할 때는 메인 포인트를 빨리 떠올릴 수 있어야 한다.

filler로 스크립터 없다, 대답할 때 감정 포커스가 있어야 한다.

detail-oriented가 아니라 feelings-oriented해야









Tell me what recycling was like when you were a child.

- Was there a particular place to which you took out the recyclables?

- Describe what it was like and what you did in detail.




Recycling.. hm ok, that's pretty interesting.

When I was a child, I would have to say that recycling was qute organized.

I mean, at least in my home anyway.


Now that I think more about it, 

I remember specifically my motehr,

you know, giving me the low-down on how to recycle.

Now that I think about it, I remember specifically my mother,

you know, giving me the low-down how to recycle.

She was like,

"Sam, make sure to separate everything!"

And then, you know, not before long, it became my full responsibility.

It was a little bit annoying at times but, I mean, I have no choice.

Anyway, I learned to separate the cans, paper, glass, and plastics.

And um, you know, put them in their rightful bins.




-> 답변의 시작으로는 나는 스크립트 없으니 생각하고 있다는 것을 표현으로 보여주고

바로 메인포인트로 갔다. 이 메인포인트 후에 프리스일 + 감정포커스로 대답하라!
-> 여기서는 past experience질문이니  past experience만 이야기한다.

만약 present experience 이야기하고 싶다면 짧게 대충 애기하라

메인 포거스는  past experience



 past experience질문에서는 

direct quotation을 넣어서 이야기하자! -> 다이나믹하게 된다!


내 이름을 써서 direct quotation쓰면 좋다.


나혼자 이렇게 생각하고 있었다는 것을

direct quotation을 써서 표현하고 싶다면

I thought to myself

I was like


예시 답변)

I decided to try out a new coffee shop nearby my home that um..

you know just opened up.

When I got their Americano, I thought to myself,

"Holy cow! This is amazing!"

And um... it truly was.

I mean, I couldn't believe how wonderful it tasted.




자기 생각을 표현하고 싶다면

그 생각을 감정으로 짧게 해줘라


direct quotation은 오픽대답의 클라이맥스 느낌이니

이 부분 그래머 틀리면 굉장히 큰 실수로 느껴지니

짧게 하는 것이 좋다.

나중에 편하게 되면 더 길게 하 수 있다!








[10가지 past experience 질문]

-> OPIC에선 콤보세트 2,3번 문항


1. Talk about a special memory you had at home with your family members.

- Perhaps, you had guests over or had a party of some sort.

- Tell me about that experience in detail.

2. Tell me what recycling was like when you were a child.

- Was there a particular place to which you took out the recyclables?

- Describe what it was like and what you did in detail.

3. Could you think back to a particularly memorable time when you heard live music?

- Describe that experience in detail.

- When was it?

- Where were you?

- Who were you with?

- What happened that made that performance so memorable or special?

4. Tell me about when you went to the movies recently.

- Who did you go with and how was the day?

- What did you do before and after the movie?

5. What was a memorable movie you watched in the past?

- What was it about?

- What was special about that movie?

- Would you recommend that movie to other people?

6. Talk about a memorable incident that happened at a gathering or a celebration.

- Why was it memorable?

- What made it unforgettable?

7. Who is your favorite movie star?

- Talk about some recent news about your favorite actor or actress.

- Start by telling me about his or her background and then describe in detail about what happened on the news.

- What interested the fans?

8. Tell me about a memorable incident that happened at a bar.

- What exactly happened and why was it special?

- Tell me everything about that unforgettable incident at the bar.

9. Tell me about the first bar you remember going to.

- What did it look like?

- Give me as many details as you can.

10. Tell me about a memorable incident that happened at a coffee shop.

- What happened?

- Who was involved?

- How did you deal with the situation?

- Tell me everything about what happened from beginning to end.