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영어 공부/OPIC

[오픽 독학 공부] 오픽노잼정리 1:1 가이드 #002 _자기소개 답변하기





Hi, I don't have much to say about myself.

And so... you know what?

Let me tell you something a little bit random about me.

I have a 5-inch pennis.

Well, ok.. I like to be a little bit of an optimist.

And so... Let's bump that "5" to a "6", alright?

I have a 6-inch penis..

because you know... I like to view that the glass is half fulll and not half empty.

And sometimes on a good day you know, it can get right up to 7 inches long!

Now my wige may tell you something a little bit different.

But this.. this isn't about me.

It's not about my "friend" over here.

It's not about my

- wang

- family jewel

- junk

No! This is about me doing this test to the best of my ability.

And so let us hop on over to the next question.





Hi, this is president Moon Jae-in.

I strongly feel that English is such an important language for my people.

Especially for my people.

And so I decided as the leader of this country..

I decided to take this test.

How I studied for this test?

(How did I study for this test?)

Well, I went on YouTube and I looked up a gentleman named OPICNOJAM.

You know, he's such a funny guy and I decided by studying off of his videos.

I wanted to see you know what kind of mark I would get.

Thank you so much for taking the time to marking and listening to how I do.

I'm sure you have many things to do... many better things to do than to mark the President's test.

May you have a wonderful day.






오픽 채점자 들은 10초만 듣고도 안다.

영어를 괜찮게 하는지 말이다.

자기소개도 문제 중 하나로 시험에 들어간다.

You can tell right off the bat (너는 곧바로 말할 수 있다.)

스킵하지 말고 낭비하지 말자.

그대신 우리는 자기소개로 우리를 좋게 보일 수 있게 할 수 있다.

첫인상이 모든 것이다. (I truly believe first impressions are everything.)

그러므로 기회로 이용해보자.

오픽 채점자들에게 깊은 감명을 주자 (knock the skcoks off the OPIC grader's feet!)




진부한 예시 3)

Hi, my name is Sam.

I have a wife.

I have 3 kids.

I live in an apartment.

I work at/for Samsung.

I am 33 years old.



재미없게, 진부하게 이야기할 바에는 그냥 스킵하라.

하지만 재미있게 잘 말하면 좋은 것이 자기소개 질문이다.


좋은 예시 4)

Hi, I absolutely love coffee.

I can't get enough of it.

You know when I woke up I drank some coffee.

Just before this test I drank some coffee.

And right after the test I'm sure you can guess what I will do.

I am a coffee enthusiast.

I am totally addicted to coffee.

And you know that is all you need to know about me.


이런 식으로 커피 뿐만 아니라

호텔, 커피샵, 집, 레스토랑 등의 후속질문 주제에 엮어서 설명할 수 있다.





호텔 주제에 대한 답변


I actually think hotels are just amazing here in Korea.

Well, you know I already told you that I love coffee in my introduction...

And you see, hotels in this country...

we really focus on the quality of the coffee.





커피샵 주제에 대한 답변

Oh perfect!

I already told you that I love coffee in my introduction.

And um what do I do?

I drink coffee!

You know, I usually go to Starbucks and they have the best Americano in the whole wide world!



집에 대한 답변

Oh when I was in my Elementary days

my.. my place wasn't all that big.

It was nothing special.

I had my own room..

But you know I had a brother and a sister and we had to share the bed and we had to share the desk and things like that.

Um it was a very loud place.

But nowadays, I absolutely love my place.

It's bigger... I live by myself...

and I have my own coffee machine.

I already told in my introduction that I love coffee.

And this coffee machine makes my home so wonderful!



레스토랑 답변

Well, you see, for me,

I love restaurants that are nearby my home.

I especially love this restaurant called Kimbab Chunkuk.

It is an amazing place. 

They sell "this" they sell "that".

But the best part about this restaurant is that right next to it is Starbucks.

And after every meal I love going to Starbucks and drink some coffee.

I already told you that I love coffee in my introduction,

And uh this is what makes this restaurant so good.. because of Starbucks!





제일 좋은 것은 자기소개에서 했던 답변을

나중에 나오는 질문의 답변을 연결해서 말하면 더 좋은 점수를 받을 수 있다.


하지만 자기소개와 연관해서 다른 질문에

또 언급하려면 한 두개의 질문의 답변만 연관해서 말하라

모든 질문에 다 연관시켜서 말하면 자연스럽지 못하다.

자연스러운 대화실력을 보여줘야 한다.